Welcome To Reading Hello, I’m Phyllis Fitzpatrick, the Reading Specialist at our school. It is my goal to help our students become lifelong readers and to make reading and writing a meaningful part of their daily instruction. I work with other teachers in providing struggling readers with the extra attention and support needed to overcome obstacles to literacy. I conduct assessments to determine student reading levels and use a diverse set of strategies and methods to help children read and comprehend meaning from printed words. All students are instructed using the literacy program, Journeys. This core program develops critical skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The grade level anthology allows the teacher to model literacy strategies in phonemic awareness, vocabulary, word knowledge, comprehension, fluency, and retelling. Teaching to the Common Core State Standards, our students are challenged to develop critical comprehension skills under the diligent guidance of the teacher. These skills are reinforced daily across the content areas. |